Medical Declaration

1. I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I intend on participating in a sporting event necessitating substantial physical exertion.

I hereby declare that I am healthy and able to run the marathon, and trained appropriately in advance.

I understand that my participation – in the event that I’m not amply physically ready – could endanger my health.

(If you’ve suffered or if you suspect that you’ve suffered in the week leading up to the marathon from any illness whatsoever, including fever, gastrointestinal disturbance or a cold, consult with a doctor before participating and obtain approval for the physical strain.

If you’ve ever had any of epilepsy, fits or seizure attacks, OR have recently recovered from Covid, consult with a doctor before participating and obtain approval to participate in this event)

2. I hereby waive any claim against the Event Organizer and any party acting on its behalf, in regard to any physical injuries that may be caused, from before the marathon, the marathon itself or thereafter, including property damage and/or equipment loss.

I agree that the organizers will be authorized to make any and all decisions regarding cancellation or changing of the time of the marathon, its course, or all-out or partial cancellation in accordance with weather conditions anticipated before the marathon; whether or not they materialize, I waived all claims hence.

I, the undersigned, commit to not suing or making any tort claim against the aforementioned parties.

3. I Confirm, all medical conditions declared are true to my knowledge.